
Описание к видео 國際新聞英文:蔣萬安專訪

來聽聽蔣萬安(Wayne Chiang)用英文討論人才外流(brain drain)

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臉書粉絲專頁:   / ericsenglishlounge   


蔣萬安(Wayne Chiang)臉書:   / chiangwanan  

也別忘了來看上一集跟「口譯哥 」拍的影片:    • 國際新聞英文: 趙怡翔(口譯哥)專訪  。


Here are some more questions to consider:

1. Define brain drain. 請定義何謂人才外流?

2. Does brain drain exist in your country? Who or why not? 你的國家是否也有人才外流的情況?請說明原因。

3. Identify at least three factors contributing to brain drain. 請至少舉出三個造成人才外流的因素。

4. Do you agree with the claim that low wages is the main contributing factor of brain drain? 你是否同意低薪是造成人才外流的主要因素?

5. Should the government intervene to raise low wages in your country? Why or why not? 在你的國家裡,政府是否該對低薪有所干預?為什麼?

6. Defend the perspective that skilled migration can benefit a country. 請捍衛技術移民對國家有益的觀點。

7. How can you investigate the issue of brain drain further? Come up with a step by step guide on how to better understand the phenomenon. 你該如何更進一步地探究人才外流的議題?請提出相關步驟以更好地瞭解此一現象。


Assuring Taiwan’s Innovation Future

Reverse Brain Drain

The Silicon Valley Connection: Transnational Networks and Regional Development in Taiwan, China and India: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10....

Salaries and stopping brain drain: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/edit...

Taiwan Fights Brain Drain to China: https://thediplomat.com/2021/05/as-dr...

Taiwan to invest $300m in grad schools to stem chip brain drain: https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Tech...


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