Professor Yusra Mouzughi, Provost, University of Birmingham Dubai

Описание к видео Professor Yusra Mouzughi, Provost, University of Birmingham Dubai

In this brand new episode, Professor Yusra Mouzughi, Provost at the University of Birmingham Dubai, joins Professor Judyth Sachs to explore higher education leadership, resilience, and innovation in a rapidly changing landscape.

Yusra and Judyth reflect on the challenges and triumphs of Yusra’s career, including her transition from the UK to the Middle East - establishing a new university and building a dedicated team - her strategies for integrating industry placements into student learning, and how Birmingham Dubai is equipping graduates for a globalised future.

Professor Mouzughi shares her balancing act of academia, career, and family. Both uplifting and actionable, this episode will resonate with leaders and learners alike.


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