Using the Diffusion of innovations theory to improve change

Описание к видео Using the Diffusion of innovations theory to improve change

Do you struggle to understand what makes one innovation a screaming success while another just fades away?

Do you know about the ten page study published back in 1943 (with hand drawn graphs) that examined the spread of hybrid corn in Iowa?

How did a man named Everett inspire over 5000 studies to better understand the diffusion of new ideas and products?

In this 45 minute webinar recording we learn about:

- the roots of the Diffusion of innovations theory that stretch back to 1928,
- the five core traits of a successful innovation, and
- an interesting connection between awareness and acceptance.

We also hear about practical ways we can apply this in the 21st century to enable people to do things they've never done before.

Our guest presenter, Les Robinson, behaviour change consultant and author of Changeology, shares his many years of experience working with groups and communities.

See other related videos over at


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