3 Telur, 5 Menit Jadi. Resep Fluffy Omelette Souffle Eropa.

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00:00 : intro
01:14 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
03:37 : mulai memasak (start of cook)
04:58 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve)


Telur merupakan menu sarapan favorit hampir di seluruh dunia. Salah satu menu telur yang populer adalah omelet. Kali ini aku berbagi resep “Fluffy Omelette / Omelette Soufflé.” Modalnya cuma 3 telur! (Kejunya opsional ya).

Resep Fluffy Omelette

3 butir telur
Gula, garam, merica sesuai selera
Keju mozarella sesuai selera
Minyak goreng secukupnya

1. Pisahkan kuning dan putih telur di wadah yang berbeda
2. Beri sedikit gula di putih telur lalu kocok hingga mengembang, namun tidak terlalu kaku. Dapat menggunakan mixer atau whisk.
3. Kocok kuning telur secara merata
4. Campurkan sedikit demi sedikit putih telur yang sudah dikocok ke dalam kuning telur. Aduk perlahan
5. Panaskan pan, gunakan api kecil / sedang lalu beri sedikit minyak
6. Goreng telur lalu tutup. Masak hingga bagian bawah sudah mulai kecokelatan
7. Taburkan garam, merica, dan keju mozarella
8. Masak sebentar lalu lipat omelet
9. Fluffy Omelette siap disajikan


3 Eggs, Ready in 5 Minutes. European Fluffy Omelette Recipe.

Eggs are a favorite breakfast menu almost anywhere in the world. One of the most popular egg dishes is Omelette. This time, I’m sharing a “Fluffy Omelette / Soufflé Omelette” recipe. You just need 3 eggs! (The cheese is optional, ok?)

Fluffy Omelette Recipe

3 eggs
Salt, sugar, pepper to taste
Mozzarella cheese to taste
Cooking oil as needed

1. Separate the yolks and egg whites into two different containers.
2. Add a bit of sugar to the egg whites and whip until fluffy, but not too stiff. You can use a hand mixer or a whisk.
3. Whisk the egg yolks evenly.
4. Add the egg whites into the yolks bit by bit. Fold in gently.
5. Heat the pan. Use low / medium heat, and add some oil.
6. Fry the eggs and cover the pan. Cook until the bottom side browns.
7. Season with salt, pepper. Add the mozzarella cheese.
8. Cook for a bit and fold the omelette.
9. Fluffy Omelette is ready to serve.


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