FFXI - Schah vs. Mana Wall

Описание к видео FFXI - Schah vs. Mana Wall

Mana Wall is stupid. Really, really stupid. With the new Taranus's Cape, combined with Wicce Sabots +1 and 20/20 Mana Wall Job Point category, it means that only 5% of the damage you would've taken gets lost as MP (essentially a -95% DT stat before DT/Defense is factored in). For reference, Perfect Defense is -96% and decays halfway through its duration. With Mana Wall, you can get -97.5% effectively fulltime with enough resets (Random Deal, Wild Card, Super Revitalizer etc.). This Schah strategy is that taken to its logical conclusion.

Normally Schah is a pretty stressful fight on the WHM and the main tank. With this strategy, our WHM only had to remove debuffs on me and keep a few buffs on. Mana Wall is so stupid I didn't even have to use a single ether, refresh effects and Sublimation kept it up entirely! This allowed me to seamlessly transition from supertank to Death BLM as soon as Schah was the only enemy left. Banneret Charge (HP to 1 attack) would've only done about 100 MP worth of damage if it had landed, and Besieger's Bane would be similarly ineffective (though it would prevent Refresh from working, that wouldn't kill me instantly).

There is one flaw in this strategy, however; Dispel. Caturae have one TP move that dispels, Interference, and it takes one buff. If Mana Wall gets dispelled, things can go downhill very quickly. To mitigate this, I keep as many "dummy" buffs up as possible. This is why I used Braver's Drink midway through; seven extra buffs to dilute the chance of Interference getting Mana Wall. With so many buffs, and the fact that Interference seems to be the least common TP move, getting Mana Wall dispelled isn't very common.

For information on kill order or strategies, or if you still want to do the PLD strat, refer to my earlier video. Also if you want to use this strategy, I'd suggest using it quickly, because I sense nerfs in Mana Wall's future...By the way, that Flee effect I got midway through? That was from Hippomenes Socks +1. Nifty item if you can afford to use Shneddick as your Adoulin ring, check it out.


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