Suprascapular Nerve decompression Arthroscopic

Описание к видео Suprascapular Nerve decompression Arthroscopic

Suprascapular neuropathy is often les sunderstood and poorly diagnosed. Sicne this is a purely motor nerve ( Some sensory fibres are supplied to shoulder joint capsule), it is unlikely that patient will suffer any sensory symptoms. It requires clinical acumen to correctly diagnose a Suprascapular neuropathy. Having suspected neuropathy, a EMG NCS study can endorse the clinical suspicion.
Any rapid wasting of the rotator cuff should be suspected to be secondary to a neuropathy. These patients tend to be younger and the entire condition mimics a rotator cuff tear, which in itself is rarely seen in young patients.
Overhead athletes {30% volleyball players commonly suffer from asymptomatic wasting of the rotator cuff (especially infraspinatus)} commonly suffer from suprascapular neuropathy.


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