(Kirby: Triple Deluxe Remix) "A Flower" Moonstruck Blossom/Fatal Blooms in Moonlight Remix

Описание к видео (Kirby: Triple Deluxe Remix) "A Flower" Moonstruck Blossom/Fatal Blooms in Moonlight Remix

Q: "Why... did you draw Joronia instead of Sectonia????"
A: The actual answer to that requires too much explanation, so for brevity's sake let's just pretend that I did it because it would make Taranza suffer more lol.

Also I could not be bothered to make the petals canon-accurate.


- "Queen_Sectonia_2" from VGMusic.com by user David Militello
- "touhou_7_stage6_boss_yuyuko" from VGMusic.com by user Gyana Ren


- "Moonlight Capital" (Kirby: Triple Deluxe)
- "Dedede's Theme" (Kirby series)
- "Dark Mind Battle" (Kirby and the Amazing Mirror)
- "The Royal Theme" (Original)
- "Bloom Nobly, Ink-Black Cherry Blossom" (Touhou 7)


Similar to Sullied Grace, I just remixed this one in my own style. However, this one actually gets a second loop because I felt like being a little more clever.

Moonstruck Blossom is unique among Kirby final boss themes in that it carries an air of quiet tragedy in its instrumentation (which is... rather fitting given that Taranza has to help put his old friend and unrequited love interest out of her misery). It also, unlike Sullied Grace before it, does not feature any electric guitars or heavy drums; while the brass section carries a lot of sharpness to it and gives it the violent feel that a battle theme needs to have, it doesn't need to rely on the typical instrument used in battle themes, and I think that's neat and impressive. Also easier on me, lol (because I'm lazy and happy to not have to work as hard or go too far from my own style at times. Experimenting is nice but sometimes working within your strengths is also great.)

Since the instrumentation itself is so close to my style anyway, there's not much else to talk about in that department. So now I'm gonna talk about smth else.

This is actually a remake of a remix I did a few years back but never published. (If I see enough random interest I'll post an unlisted video with the old version in it.) Most of the structure is the same, with the exception of the transition from the Dedede segment back to the song at hand. All of the hidden melodies are also the same.
Speaking of the hidden melodies...

Moonlight Capital is there because it thematically fits and happened to mesh well. Meanwhile, Dedede's theme and Dark Mind's themes are a nod to how A. Dedede is a prominent character in Triple Deluxe, and B. Dark Mind is associated with the Mirror World, and the Dimension Mirror is what caused Joronia to become the evil Sectonia. Taken together, they can also be interpreted as a nod to King D-Mind (which is what I had in mind when making the old version of the remix.) (Why King D-Mind? I promise you that if I told you that answer you would just be left with questions that I genuinely do not have answers to.)
The Royal Theme is just there because The Royal Theme.
Yuyuko's theme was added because A. both Yuyuko and Sectonia are the final bosses of their respective games, B. both of them are associated with some five-petaled pink flower (Yuyuko being associated with cherry blossoms, Sectonia being associated with the Dreamstalk), and C. actually, with the key change, the songs fit together perfectly. It's like mashing up Tomboyish Girl In Love and Absolute Chill all over again; all it takes is a key change...

I am on a remixing kick lately with my laptop, I might make more remixes and post them sometime soonish possibly. If not, just assume I started working on some other projects lol.


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