Generation WTF || Eve Geroulis & Rosa Vasilaki

Описание к видео Generation WTF || Eve Geroulis & Rosa Vasilaki

Disruption is having a moment. All the angst is great when the laws are set by Solon. Not so great when it’s Dracon. Silicon Valley has become the New Athens. Unleashing technologies transforming all domains of human experience, animating the apocalyptic imagination like nothing since Oppenheimer’s atomic bomb. While still in its infancy, AI is typing, not writing, not sentient, not contextual.

Not yet.

As an educator for over two decades, Eve Geroulis shares her experience bridging classical Greece’s literary, political, and cultural history with 21st century business education, arguing the Academe must usher in a massive redesign of how we teach, what we teach, and why we teach. In her talk, Eve explores why STEM disciplines alone will not adequately prepare students for the rise of the machines, demanding educators infuse STEM with STEM Squared, also teaching self-awareness, thoughtfulness, empathy, and meaning. Whether this is humanity’s Prometheus or Icarus moment remains to be seen. But guiding students to develop interdisciplinary, lifelong skills bridging relevant content with meaningful context is the Academe’s obligation. The only path forward if we are to afford students a fighting chance as they embark on this massive experiment with the future.

That begins with reminding students to major in being human.

Date & Time: Wednesday, 18 September 2024 at 12 pm ET / 7 pm Greece.

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