Spring days | Life in Tuscany | Cooking, walking by the sea| Vlog | SUBS

Описание к видео Spring days | Life in Tuscany | Cooking, walking by the sea| Vlog | SUBS

My English is far from perfect. So please forgive my mistakes.

As a child, one of my favorite games was about a train. The images are faded as if halfway between a dream and a memory.
There were two long corridors connected by a steep staircase completely closed by two doors just like the carriages of a train. I traveled the carriages back and forth doing I don't know what and reaching uncharted places.
Now and then I like to get on that train and be transported to unexplored places.

600 g flour
200 g water
200 g milk
12 g salt
2 teaspoons sugar
10 g extra virgin olive oil
3.5 g dry brewer's yeast (or 12g fresh)
to taste thyme (fresh)


Mix water and milk which must be lukewarm.

Collect the flour in a bowl and pour in half the liquids, the yeast and the sugar, dissolve, mix and add the rest of the water, the oil and the salt.

Mix the mixture until it has absorbed all the liquids.

If the mixture is sticky, let it rest for 10 minutes. Work it again and finally let it rise until doubled.

Divide the dough into pieces of approximately 100 g and form many balls.

Heat the pan, preferably with a thick bottom.

Lightly flour the work surface and roll out the balls with a rolling pin, forming discs approximately 22 cm in diameter.

Place the bread discs in the hot pan and lower the heat.

Cook over a moderate heat for 5-7 minutes, turning it occasionally.


Phyllo Rolls

Take the phyllo dough and brush it with water and extra virgin olive oil. Stack 3 sheets of phyllo pastry, each brushed with water and oil.

I topped my rolls with vegan cheese and pan-fried asparagus.

Brush the rolls with a mix of water and extra virgin olive oil. Season with sesame seeds.

Place in the oven at 180°C until cooked.

White Bean Hummus


1 clove of garlic
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 package of cooked white beans
2 tablespoons tahini
extra virgin olive oil to taste

Blend everything with an immersion blender.

My Story Journal

The Flows Planner

Thanks for watching.



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