Bring Rambi anywhere (Reverse Rambi Adventure) | Donkey Kong 64 Glitch

Описание к видео Bring Rambi anywhere (Reverse Rambi Adventure) | Donkey Kong 64 Glitch

In DK64, you can only normally use Rambi in a very small section in Japes, a Hideout Helm barrel and during a mystery menu minigame. However, with usage of glitches, we can bring Rambi anywhere we want.

RTA Method
1) Get ISG, head to japes
2) Enter Rambi Box, play instrument in the small window you can after transform to cause a cutscene that will fade you into Intro Story
3) Watch rest of intro story


1) Wrong grab the rambi box in Japes and move to near Cranky's (Example:    • Creepy Castle: DK's Dungeon GB - 0xA   )
2) Gain control in Rambi Box (Any TBS method works, eg Uncrouch) and enter Cranky's towards the end of the transform so you trigger the LZ before you change into Rambi
3) Clear the Cranky text and Exit

- All "no entry" zones are cleared
- You can bring Rambi anywhere pretty much
- You can't grab anything kong-specific, GBs don't increment counter
- If you open the boss door, you can enter bosses (not opening the boss door causes the game to crash upon loading the HUD)


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