Fat Content Calculation

Описание к видео Fat Content Calculation

#fatcontent #wildgame #sausage
Fat Content Calculation


How do we explain in words what we had to shoot a video to show? Well, with our old friend MATH of course. Well, maybe not friend, more like arch-enemy but whatever, for this one we are going to try to get along!

Imagine you have 100 beads, 50% of those beads are red, then the other 50 beads are split as 70% green and 30% blue. So, what is 70% of 50? It is 35%. What is 30% of 50? It is 15%. So, we started with 100 total beads, so we have 50 red beads, 35 green beads, and 15 blue beads, right? So, what would the total percentage of blue beads be? The answer is 15%, because our total is 100 beads.

Now, obviously, we don't care about beads, this is about lean and fat content. Pretend that the red beads were your deer meat, the green beads were the lean protein from the pork butt you added and the blue beads were fat from the pork butt. So, a 50/50 mix of venison with pork butt is going to give you a total fat % of 15%, which is too low for a fully flavored sausage!

Math equation below for a 25 lb batch (god help us all we are teaching math! Apologies to all of our high school math teachers for saying we would never use this!

50% of our total meat block is 0% fat because it is wild game = 12.5 lb (half of 25) of lean protein
50% is pork butt, which is 70% lean and 30% fat (generally, not always that much fat but for ease)
Lean from the pork butt is 70% X 12.5 (half of 25) = 8.75 lean
Fat from the pork butt is 30% X 12.5 (half of 25) = 3.75 fat
Adding everything up we have 12.5+8.75 for the lean giving us 21.25 and 3.75 lb of fat. That equals 25 and then we divide 3.75 across the entire batch of 25 lb giving us 15%.

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