Which Sayings of Jesus Are Authentic?

Описание к видео Which Sayings of Jesus Are Authentic?

Jesus left no writings that survive. None of the gospels was written by an eyewitness. All of our earliest texts that record the sayings of Jesus do not do so in the language he spoke (Aramaic) but are instead written in Greek. Although there is a convention in red-letter Bibles to print all the sayings attributed to Jesus in red, Biblical scholars agree that many of these sayings found in the New Testament were never spoken by the historical Jesus. John Hamer of Toronto Centre Place will review the tools of literary criticism that scholars use to evaluate the sayings of Jesus to consider which are most likely to be authentic and which are least likely.
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Other topics covered in this lecture include:
The Jesus Seminar
The historical Jesus
Text Criticism
Source Criticism
How to do exegesis

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