[京都|Kyoto] 祇園祭 前祭"山鉾巡行"|炎天下を進む山鉾を全て見せます|Gion Festival 2023 (Vlog)[4K]

Описание к видео [京都|Kyoto] 祇園祭 前祭"山鉾巡行"|炎天下を進む山鉾を全て見せます|Gion Festival 2023 (Vlog)[4K]


In this video, we will be showcasing the "Yamahoko Parade" of the Gion Festival in Kyoto, Japan. The Yamahoko Parade is one of the most exciting events during the Gion Festival, and the sight of the majestic "Yamahoko" floats moving through the streets of Kyoto is truly breathtaking. In this video, we will show you all the floats parading under the scorching sun. Please enjoy the atmosphere of the Gion Festival through this video.

祇園祭2023「前祭 山鉾巡行」

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  / thekyoto_japan  



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