Reverse Diet Week 9, Day 6

Описание к видео Reverse Diet Week 9, Day 6

Reverse Diet Week 9, Day 6

In today’s video, I discuss how fats proteins and carbohydrates are broken down and reemit within the body. Proteins are broken down into the immuno acids, which then circulate throughout the body and help prepare and grow new tissue. Carbohydrates and fats can both be used as an energy/fuel source. But fats also become the outer layer of every cell in our body. This outer layers is called the phospholipid layer. And every cell in our body has a different lifeline or timeline that it will live before it divides. This is called the half-life of a cell. For example, skin cells are the fastest growing cells in our body, and therefore have a short term half-life. Brain cells on the other hand can live for decades before they replicate, and then the cell goes through a ptosis, or cell death. Eating healthy oil allows the phospholipid layer of every cell, nice and round and communicate smoothly with other cells in its area. But consuming highly inflammatory and damaging seed oils and industrial oils. The outer layer of the cells becomes all crumpled and communication is extremely difficult and haphazard.

Please keep it locked in here on my channel and like and subscribe and continue to follow along with me as I now go through this reverse diet following my ketogenic bodybuilding prep.

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