Celebrating Rocks and Dogs on the Off-Grid Weekend Homestead!

Описание к видео Celebrating Rocks and Dogs on the Off-Grid Weekend Homestead!

Welcome to my little off grid tiny cabin and weekend homestead!
This episode is all about rocks and dogs! Well, one dog at least!

Rocks.... They seem like they are everywhere up north in Minnesota. Planting a garden, putting in a driveway, digging a well, foundation posts.....Most of the typical projects that a homestead requires rocks make ten times harder! Add in being alone, off the grid, and having no easy access to heavy equipment and removal seems like an impossible undertaking.
In this video I show you how I remove and move large rocks by myself. Archimedes said "give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum and I will move the world!"
Simple physics for simple living!

River Dog turned 10 years old this week so of course we celebrated! After his party he got to spend some time on the north shore of Lake Superior. He said it was a great day! I agree!


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