Quest Poking the Spider Nest WoW | Isle of Dorn | World of Warcraft Retail

Описание к видео Quest Poking the Spider Nest WoW | Isle of Dorn | World of Warcraft Retail

Quest Poking the Spider Nest WoW | Isle of Dorn | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest Poking the Spider Nest WoW in Isle of Dorn (Khaz Algar) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.

To begin the Quest Poking the Spider Nest, speak with Baelgrim in Cinderbrew Meadery (Isle of Dorn). You will have to Throw a Keg of Cinderbrew Mead into the nerubian burrow and then return to the Meadyard. To complete the quest, head to The Meadyard (Isle of Dorn) and talk to Baelgrim.

Watch this video to check the exact coordinates for everything related to this quest.

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Start: Quest Poking the Spider Nest WoW | Isle of Dorn | World of Warcraft Retail
🫡 Baelgrim
🗨️ The meadery is evacuated and the explosives are primed. It is time to bait the nerubians into our trap.

Your compatriot is by the nerubian burrow north of here. She told me her directive is to keep watch over it in case the nerubians make a move before we are ready.

So far they have not made a move and may now need... coaxing. Take a keg of cinderbrew to the burrow. Tossing it in should stir their "nest."

Rendezvous with us back at the Meadyard—quickly—after.

Quest Objectives: Throw a Keg of Cinderbrew Mead into the nerubian burrow and then return to the Meadyard.

End: Quest Poking the Spider Nest WoW | Isle of Dorn | World of Warcraft Retail
😯 Baelgrim
🗨️ The nerubian swarm is on its way.

Prepare yourself.

This quest is also available in other languages, such as:
German: Quest Der Stich ins Spinnennest WoW | Insel von Dorn
Werft ein Fass Glutbräumet in den Nerubergraben und kehrt dann zur Metbrauerei zurück.

English: Quest Poking the Spider Nest WoW | Isle of Dorn
Throw a Keg of Cinderbrew Mead into the nerubian burrow and then return to the Meadyard.

Spanish: Misión Sacudiendo el nido de arañas WoW | Isla de Dorn
Lanza una barrica de hidromiel de Tragoceniza al túnel nerubiano y vuelve al Patio del Hidromiel.

French: Quête Un coup de pied dans le terrier WoW | Île de Dorn
Lancez un tonneau d’hydromel Brassecendre dans le terrier nérubien, puis retournez dans la cour de l’Hydromel.

Italian: Missione Stuzzicare il nido dei ragni WoW | Isola di Dorn
Lancia un Barilotto di Idromele Cinereo nella Buca Nerubiana e poi torna al Deposito d'Idromele.

Russian: Квест Рой разъяренных пауков WoW | Остров Дорн
Забросьте бочонок искрохмеля в нерубский лаз, а затем вернитесь на медодельню.

Korean: 거미집 들쑤시기 퀘스트 WoW | 도른의 섬
잿불맥주 벌꿀주 통을 네루비안 잠복굴로 던진 뒤 벌꿀주 양조장으로 가야 합니다.

Chinese: 捅了蜘蛛窝任务 WoW | 多恩岛

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