re-tolexing a Mesa OS 4x12

Описание к видео re-tolexing a Mesa OS 4x12

'Re-tolexing' amps and cabs can really bring an old piece of gear to life. At Zilla we still pimp up quite a few amps and cabs in need of some cosmetic love, this time it is the turn of a Mesa oversized 4x12. This cab has a nice story too....

We all remember our first proper amp, guitar, distortion pedal etc.... well at Zilla we all remember our first cab. Mine was a Marshall 1984 bass 4x12 in white elephant and I wish I never sold it. Joe has one of those stories we all wish we had, selling a piece of gear and secretly longing for it back... well years after selling his Mesa 4x12 he realised a good friend actually had it and had been using it for testing, better still he gave Joe the cab. He decided we wanted to recover it to match his other gear and we decided to film the process and Joe talks through what he is doing.

I think for anyone working in a company that specialises in a certain product it is important to know and love gear from other companies, to appreciate how and why it works, and it is also important to pimp it out to hell and back!


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