廣州著名打卡地!30元食到飽!北京路美食攻略!本地人帶你逛吃!巷子裡美食!極少人知道!連吃三家店!隱世老店!堅守幾十年!從小吃到大!6元食到16元!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 廣州著名打卡地!30元食到飽!北京路美食攻略!本地人帶你逛吃!巷子裡美食!極少人知道!連吃三家店!隱世老店!堅守幾十年!從小吃到大!6元食到16元!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#廣州 #北京路 #GuangZhou

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/iz9djhLY9zc2D...
餐廳消費:韭菜煎餃 ¥22
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/LpcYCBqY8Nabu...
餐廳消費:蛋撻 ¥4
GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/fKEhG8j51CaFd...
餐廳消費:牛腩豬腸粉/豬腸豬腸粉 ¥17
舊時的北京路,是廣州大南門(今北京路、大南路口)內外的一條南北向主要街道。宋代滅南漢後,拆南城牆,將南城沿至江邊,建「雙闕」。 1156年,廣州向南擴建。 1244年,建造雙門樓,從此北京路中段被稱為雙門底,漸成為商業區。清代時,今北京路由北至南依序為承宣直街、雙門底、雄鎮直街、永清街,以賣書坊、古董市、花市為著名。明清時期,雙門安置了長壺滴漏,週邊百姓透過它安排祭祀活動。清雍正年間,現北京路與沿江路交匯的珠江邊,是天字碼頭的所在地,為清代時是專為迎送官員而設,附近的接官亭正是當時迎接官員的地點。
中華民國九年(1920年),廣州拆城牆開路,將此路改名為「永漢路」(國民政府使用粵音英文名「Wing Hon Road」),取的是清朝已滅,把南街名「永清」變成「永漢」之意。 1936年,曾任國民政府首任立法院長的胡漢民過世後,又胡本身乃廣州人,為紀念之,永漢路更名為「漢民路」。
從1907年1月上海的商務印書館在永漢北路創辦分館開始,就持續有新的書局、書店在這裡設立。 1912年冬,上海的中華書局在永漢北路設立分局(今聯合書店)。 1921年,以出版教科書和文化教育用書為主的上海世界書局在惠愛路昌興街設分局,後又在永漢北路設立分局。 1924年,上海民智書局在永漢北路設立分局,廣益書局,會文堂書局,錦章書局等大型出版機構也先後在永漢北路設立分局。在陳濟棠主粵的1920-1930年代,廣州市區基本形成以永漢北路、文德北路、光復中路、十八甫等為中心的出版發行集中地。
Beijing Road is a street in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, which integrates culture, entertainment and commerce. It is the most prosperous commercial center in Guangzhou's history, with an average daily flow of about 350,000 people. Beijing Road starts from Guangwei Road in the north and ends at Yanjiang Middle Road in the south, with a total length of more than 1,500 meters.
In the old days, Beijing Road was a main north-south street inside and outside the Great South Gate of Guangzhou (now the intersection of Beijing Road and Great South Road). After the Song Dynasty destroyed the Southern Han Dynasty, the southern city wall was demolished, and the southern city was extended to the riverside to build "double gates". In 1156, Guangzhou expanded to the south. In 1244, a double gate tower was built. From then on, the middle section of Beijing Road was called Shuangmendi, and gradually became a commercial district. In the Qing Dynasty, the current Beijing Road was Chengxuanzhi Street, Shuangmendi, Xiongzhenzhi Street, and Yongqing Street from north to south, and was famous for selling books, antiques, and flowers. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, a long pot drip was placed in Shuangmen, and the surrounding people arranged sacrificial activities through it. During the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty, the Pearl River where Beijing Road and Yanjiang Road meet was the location of Tianzi Wharf, which was specially built for welcoming and seeing off officials in the Qing Dynasty. The reception pavilion nearby was the place where officials were welcomed at that time.
In the ninth year of the Republic of China (1920), Guangzhou demolished the city wall to open the road, and renamed this road "Yonghan Road" (the National Government used the Cantonese English name "Wing Hon Road"), which means that the Qing Dynasty had been destroyed and the name of the South Street "Yongqing" was changed to "Yonghan". In 1936, after Hu Hanmin, who was the first president of the Legislative Yuan of the National Government, passed away, and Hu himself was a Guangzhou native, in order to commemorate him, Yonghan Road was renamed "Hanmin Road".
Beijing Road has had bookstores such as Biyutang and Jiugutang since the Qing Dynasty, as well as Zeng Zongzhou Zhumodian and Liu Zhongshan Pen Store. There are also a large number of book engraving workshops in this area.


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00:00 Intro
00:35 北京路/炒級熱鬧/全部都是人
06:55 八珍煎餃/從小吃到大/韭菜煎餃
10:24 大南路美食推薦/書芳街/惠福東路美食推薦
19:00 廣州起義路/40年歷史蛋撻店
28:19 隱世豬腸粉店/我心目中的世一
34:25 教育路/旅行社集中地
38:47 鬧市中的越秀書院遺址
44:12 西湖路/大佛寺/排隊王大鴿飯
46:36 Ending
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