五一假期!廣州北京路!爆滿遊客!如何尋找本地人餐廳?!35年粵菜酒樓!人均40元!榴蓮78元!旅遊攻略!最新樓價!美食推薦!平靚正!力推!交通路線!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

Описание к видео 五一假期!廣州北京路!爆滿遊客!如何尋找本地人餐廳?!35年粵菜酒樓!人均40元!榴蓮78元!旅遊攻略!最新樓價!美食推薦!平靚正!力推!交通路線!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

   / @huntingarcher  

#廣州 #旅遊 #五一假期

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/ssbNtrwxV1Z8D...
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/7b/CsK
餐廳消費:手撕市師雞-半隻 ¥53,豉汁炒沙甲 ¥28,啫啫魷筒仔 ¥49
倒是根據一段週穎康的訪談裡提到,其祖父週我國,於民國10年,即1921年,與摯友王馨合股在如今北京路西側的書院街成立“馨記”,辛亥革命後,國民 政府在越秀書院街設立“市立師範學院”,簡稱市師。
「馨記」白切雞是用雞骨熬煮的湯浸製而成,斬件去大骨,配蜆蠔醬、薑蓉、因雞味醇和,皮脆肉滑,深受市民喜愛,因 地頭現成,以「市師雞」命名,並口耳相傳,名聲遠播。
既以”市師範學院“的由來為名,我想起廣州是1918年成立市政公所,1921年才設市的,為此,特意查過“市立師範學院”、“廣東省立廣州女子師範學校” 的選址、遷址等校史,市立師範學校,以雙門底原粵秀書院舊址(雙門底的名字幾次更迭,從永清路到永漢路,上世紀60年代正式叫做北京路 )為校址,於1921年10月12日開學。
The so-called "love story" about the origin of the City Master Chicken is too widely circulated and talked about, so it's okay not to talk about it.
However, according to an interview with Zhou Yingkang, it was mentioned that his grandfather Zhou Woguo, in the 10th year of the Republic of China, that is, 1921, jointly established "Xinji" with his close friend Wang Xin in what is now Shuyuan Street on the west side of Beijing Road. After the Revolution of 1911, the Kuomintang The government established the "Municipal Teachers College" in Yuexiu Academy Street, referred to as the Municipal Teachers College.
"Xinji" white-cut chicken is soaked in soup made from chicken bones. It is cut into pieces and the large bones are removed. It is served with clam sauce and ginger paste. Because of the mellow chicken flavor, crispy skin and smooth meat, it is deeply loved by the public. The land was ready, named after "Shishiji", and spread by word of mouth, and its reputation spread far and wide.
The second generation descendant of "Xinji Shishiji" is Zhou Dake, the son of Zhou Wuguo. Zhou Yingkang said that Zhou Dake was the chef of Luming Restaurant and Yuexiu Mountain Tingyuxuan.
Since the name "Municipal Normal College" comes from, I remembered that Guangzhou was established as a municipal office in 1918 and was only established as a city in 1921. For this reason, I specifically checked "Municipal Normal College" and "Guangdong Provincial Guangzhou Women's Normal School" The school history of site selection and relocation, Municipal Normal School, is based on the original site of Shuangmendi Yuexiu Academy (the name of Shuangmendi changed several times, from Yongqing Road to Yonghan Road, and was officially called Beijing Road in the 1960s) ) is the school site and opened on October 12, 1921.


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00:00 Intro
00:54 假日下的北京路
07:18 附近樓價貴得驚人/140平方米售價880萬元
12:20 德政北路/寵物醫院一條街
14:59 廣州老字號食為先/午餐/讀餐牌時間
21:29 手撕市師雞-半隻/豉汁炒沙甲/啫啫魷筒仔
31:48 交通路線/德政路小吃推薦/買榴蓮
36:15 網紅麵包店/永順豆漿
40:35 文明路/北京路步行街實況/天氣不穩定遊客熱情不減
47:48 Ending
#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chine Foodse #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chine Foodse #Canton Foodse # in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #旅遊 #五一假期 #五一 #遊客 #粵菜 #酒樓 #榴蓮 #樓價 #美食 #交通路線 #德政路 # 小食 #food tourism #food tour in china #chinese food tour #china tourism vlog #vlog china #vlog travel #vlog study #cantonese food


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