Y'all got to make a decision. It's either God or the devil. | Apostle Alton R. Williams

Описание к видео Y'all got to make a decision. It's either God or the devil. | Apostle Alton R. Williams

"Preach Holy Ghost!
Here's what, hear me now, I'm fixing to say it. You ain't going to like it, but I'm giving you truth.
When Obama put the colors on the White House acknowledging this nation honors L-G-B-T-Q, I saw black folk and black preachers compromise. We got to accept it because our black president goes a long way.
I don't care what president, what color he is, if you ain't in line with God, I can't stand with you and that's what's causing y'all.
Yeah, I'm preaching up in here.
You're getting off with God because you're trying to stand with black.
I can't vote for a party that is for all kind of sexual perversions.
I can't do it.
I can't vote for a party that's going to accept transgenders going into women's restroom.
I can't do it. I can't do it.
I can't go with a party that wants to cut little girls breast off to make them boys.
I can't go with a party that says you can be a boy today and a girl tomorrow.
I can't do it. I can't do it.
I can't support a party that wants to remove God from its party platform.
You in trouble. When the nation forgets God, I can't follow a party that wants to sexualize our children in school, put drag queens in front of them, reading them little children's stories.
I can't do it.
I can't support a party that wants to take the rights of parents away. In California right now, parents are being arrested because they won't go along with the sexualization of their children. But there are many parents that are compromised.
Y'all got to make a decision. It's either God or the devil.
And when you vote, you try to ignore it and say it ain't no big thing. But when you vote for people with these convictions and they get in office and they start doing these things, you got a responsibility for if you've compromised in any way, you need to repent.
Stand up on your feet and give God some praise.
Come on, give the Lord some praise if you'll, you can't separate your politics from your biblical worldview. It's my biblical worldview that determines my politics. You vote for whoever you want, but you're going to have to stand before God and give an account of what you pushing on this country.
Because when all this stuff gets pushed, it's going to bring this nation down.
Father, I thank you today and I pray that I have preached in a way that pleases you. We've all at different times, father have fallen and we have compromised and done wrong. And knowing that we've done wrong and on behalf of these people, we repent today to you and we tell you that we are sorry. Some of us innocently did not know, but some of us did know and we did it anyway. I thank you for your grace.
Thank you for your grace. God. Some of us, we didn't mean it. We didn't know some of us were ignorant about what we were doing. We didn't know. But let it be known today that we love you and wound C loves you. You are Lord over this house.
And we give you praise in Jesus' name. Put those hands together and come on. If you got something out of that today, give God praise today.
Here's how you deal with compromise.

Five quick points.
First thing you want to do, if you know you've compromised in some kind of way, God's commandments, repent first step.
Second thing, be truthful about your heart. Tell the truth to thy own self. Be true.
Third thing, you got to make a quality decision that you're going to do and you're going to live a life contrary to compromise. You got to make that decision.
Number four, ask the Holy Spirit to convict whenever you are about to do it. Whenever you're about to compromise or do something wrong, ask the Holy Spirit to come help you and to convict you. He'll do it.
And then lastly, you got to avoid separate yourself from people that you are connected with that's living compromised lives. If you ready to stop gambling, you got to get away from your gambling friends. You got to go sniff snip, cut the ties.

I love you so much. I pray that you've been blessed today and I'll see you on Wednesday night."

Clip from "The Spirit of Compromise"
Apostle Alton R. Williams
World Overcomers Church

#WorldOvercomersChurch #Godorthedevil #Icantdoit #HolySpirit #HolyGhost


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