California Bay Nuts - Gather & Processing

Описание к видео California Bay Nuts - Gather & Processing

The California Bay Tree, (Umbellularia californica) is a large hardwood tree native to coastal forests of California. These trees produces the California Bay Nut, which is a fruit that ripens between September-November, on a 2-3 year cycle. The bay nut is actually a fruit and is related to the avocado. They are ripe enough to gather once the outer skin turns from bright green to yellow with brown spots and can be easily picked off the tree.

I was first introduced to this intriguing fruit at the Buckeye Gathering in 2013. Since then, I have become more familiar with this nut and have taught myself how to properly gather, dry, process and utilize it into my diet and lifestyle. It is my most favorite food to forage and I have cultivated a beautiful relationship with this fruit and tree over the years.

Bay nuts have similar chemical properties to cacao beans and coffee beans by acting as a stimulant on the nervous system. They taste like a combination of chocolate-coffee-butter once they are properly processed and roasted into an edible form. Bay Nuts have often been referred to as the “North American Cacao Bean”.

I also believe they are an unstudied wild food nootropic (substances that may improve cognitive function, memory, creativity, or motivation in healthy individuals). This is something that I intend to experiment with more during the winter months.

Have any of you ever eaten a Bay Nut?


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