PCOS Relief Locust Pose

Описание к видео PCOS Relief Locust Pose

Step-by-Step Locust Pose (Salabhasana) in 40 Seconds**


*Preparation (5 seconds)*
1. *Lie Down:* Start by lying flat on your stomach on a comfortable yoga mat.
2. *Position Limbs:* Extend your legs straight back with the tops of your feet pressing into the mat. Keep your arms alongside your body, palms facing down.


*Entering the Pose (10 seconds)*
1. *Engage Muscles:* On an inhale, simultaneously lift your head, chest, and arms off the ground.
2. *Lift Legs:* Raise both legs off the floor, keeping them straight and active by engaging your back muscles and thighs.
3. *Alignment:* Ensure your neck is neutral by gazing slightly forward, not tilting your head back excessively.


*Holding the Pose (20 seconds)*
1. *Maintain Stability:* Keep your core engaged to support your lower back. Avoid overarching.
2. *Breathe Deeply:* Inhale and exhale steadily, holding the lift for about 15-20 seconds.
3. *Focus:* Concentrate on lifting with your back and glutes rather than straining your neck or lower back.


*Exiting the Pose (5 seconds)*
1. *Lower Down:* Gently lower your arms, chest, and legs back to the mat on an exhale.
2. *Relax:* Rest in the prone position for a few breaths before moving on.


*Avoid Strain:* If you feel any discomfort in your lower back or neck, lower down slightly and ensure you're not overextending.
*Modify if Needed:* Beginners can lift one arm and the opposite leg at a time to build strength gradually.


Feel free to reach out if you’d like additional tips, modifications, or a visual guide for the Locust Pose!


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