Best of Aegina 还不知道希腊埃伊纳岛?你就out了!

Описание к видео Best of Aegina 还不知道希腊埃伊纳岛?你就out了!


Aegina 也有人叫它爱琴那岛
Aegina is very close to Athens. It’s only one and a half hours from the port of Piraeus by normal boat and only 40 minutes by flying dolphin.

When you get out of the boat you can walk to the capital Chora , where you can stroll around the beautiful alleys ,have a look at the shops with local products , take many photos and at the end enjoy a coffee at the seafront cafeterias .

港口的Ayios Nikolaos教堂:

The first sight that you see when you arrive in Aegina by ferry is the white church of Ayios Nikolaos. There we met Mr Vaggelis who let us use his motorcycle to take photos ! He also gave us two beautiful keychains that he made himself (watch the video).This is a small gesture of the Greek hospitality that you can feel in Aegina

Temple of Aphaia阿帕亚神庙🏛

One of the most beautiful spots on the island of Aegina! It is the only known temple of worship of the goddess Aphaia 🧚 Have you heard about the Sacred Triangles’ ?Aphaia makes two isosceles triangles, one with the temple of Poseidon and the Parthenon of Athens and the second one with the Delphi Apollo and the Parthenon of Athens. An amazing and unique phenomenon of the Ancient world !!

Agia Maria 蓝旗海滩

岛屿东北部的阿吉亚停泊港(Agia Marina)是岛上潜店的集中地,非常适合游泳!从这里出发,就可以探索环绕埃伊纳岛的丰富潜点啦!从港口乘船前往热门潜点安吉斯特里岛(Angistri)只需要20 分钟。

The beach of Agia Marina is the longest sandy beach on Aegina island, its shallow water makes it an ideal beach to swim with small kids. It is awarded with a Blue Flag. From the middle of May until the end of September you can hire sunbeds with umbrellas and paddle boats .
At the end of the beach you will see the small white church of Saint Marina where the village took its name from .

Ayios Nektarios 教堂和修道院


Agios Nektarios of Aegina (1846-1920), is one of the most widely known recent Greek Orthodox Saints. He was officially recognized as a saint by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1961. Yearly, thousands of people from all over the world travel to Aegina to visit the tomb of Agios Nektarios for healing reasons, to pray to him or ask for his blessings.

Agios Nektarios was known as a great miracle worker, particularly as a healer of every sort of disease, he was also a prolific writer, theologist, philosopher, moralist, educator, poet, ascetic and mystic. Above all Agios Nektarios was a man of deep prayer .

在埃伊纳岛可以找到各种开心果味道的冰淇淋😋 在希腊,开心果树被称为“幸福树”,因为它看起来像是在微笑。古希腊人栽种并食用开心果的历史,可以追溯到公元前2世纪。


Pistachio is the Super Food of Aegina Pistachio trees have been cultivated in Aegina since 1860, later speading to otherparts of Attica and Greece. On the island you can find the best pistachio ice cream 😋The pistachios of Aegina are the most famous and they are considered as extremely high-quality products. The main variety that is cultivated on the island is the “koilarati “ which have a round shape. Most of the fields are found on the western side of the island, because this area is more fertile and less mountainous than the eastern side.


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