Описание к видео The UGLY TRUTH about being a PSYCHIATRIC NURSE PRACTITIONER - PART 2!

Being a psychiatric nurse practitioner comes with challenges. This is the same as in any other career. I am going to list 5 things that are just some of the realities of being a psychiatric nurse practitioner. It may be considered the UGLY truth or just challenges of the job itself. I hope that this do not sway you from looking into this career as an opportunity but see it as a challenge that you can prepare for and handle.

Documentation of risks example:

Risk for suicide is high related to suicide thoughts, without a plan, intent or urge, history of suicide attempts, multiple stressors currently undergoing divorce and custody of children, limited available support, limited use of healthy coping, male, caucasian, lives alone, current use of alcohol. Protective factors include his dogs, work, and his children. Able to state his safety, motivated and engaged with treatment. Crisis interventions discussed with the patient including suicide crisis hotline/text line, 911 and emergency services, and reinforcement of safety plans. At the moment, although patient’s risk is high, he doesn’t currently meet 5150 criteria.

The UGLY TRUTH about being a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner: Part 1

Disclaimer: The videos in my channel are my own opinions based on my experiences. This may be completely different compare to the majority opinion and experiences. Any clinical information should not be in any way taken as a professional medical advice. Please make sure that you talk to your medical/psychiatric provider about treatment choices and options specific to you.


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