(Sheena) Speechless, Re-translated (Synth V Cover)

Описание к видео (Sheena) Speechless, Re-translated (Synth V Cover)

Synthesizer V Cover Song, Speechless - Sound of My Heart, original song Speechless, from Aladdin, composed and written by Alan Menken, Benj Pasek, Justin Paul

Voicebank: Sheena

Instrumental made with midi from hamienet

Re-translated lyrics, Tuning: Thannondov (me)

(Sorry haven't uploaded anything in a while .-.)

Ok disclaimer, never saw the live action Aladdin, don't know the story or the context of the song. I simply came across and absolutely fell in love with Hoshino's Japanese cover before I heard the original. Naomi Scott's voice is gorgeous but somehow the original version just didn't hit the same.

So I wanted to do a cover that goes for a little more of Hoshino's energy, and for some reason decided to re-translate the song from the Japanese version as an extra challenge. It was harder than expected, buuut hopefully Sheena's performance makes up for any shortcoming in the lyrics department. ._.

Hoshino's cover:    • 【宝塚が本気で歌ってみた】スピーチレス〜心の声 - ディズニー映画「アラジ...  


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