ለማመን የሚከብድ ግን በብዙዎች ቤት ያለ እውነት !? ቅዱስ ገብርኤል ከጉድ አወጣኝ! የአንድ ሰው ህይወት የፅጌ ክፍል፡2

Описание к видео ለማመን የሚከብድ ግን በብዙዎች ቤት ያለ እውነት !? ቅዱስ ገብርኤል ከጉድ አወጣኝ! የአንድ ሰው ህይወት የፅጌ ክፍል፡2

ማን እንደ ሀገር አዲስ እስታንዳፕ ኮሜዲ ለማየት ይመዝገቡ

አዲሱን የኮሜዲያን እሸቱን "ማን እንደ ሃገር" ስታንዳፕ ኮሜዲ በአካል ለማየት መቀመጫ ለመያዝ እና በወጌሻ 4ተኛ ዙር የዩትዩብ ስልጠና ለመመዝገብ ከታች ያለውን ሊንክ ይጫኑ!

በጉጉት ስንጠብቀው የነበረው የባለ ፀጉር ቤቷ ፅጌ እጅግ አስተማሪ የሆነው የሂወት ታሪኳን በክፍል አንድ ፕሮግራም ከልጆቿ አባት ጋር ተለያይታ ብቻዋን አዲስ ፀጉር ቤት ከፍታ ጥሩ ኑሮ እየኖረች ለ ልጆቿ ከአባታቸው ጋር መኖሩ ጥሩ መሆኑን በማሰብ በድጋሜ በመዘጋጃ ቤት ተፈራርመው አብረው መኖር ጀመሩ ከትንሽ ጊዜ ቦኋላ ሶስተኛ ልጅ ታረግዛለች በትዳሯ ደስተኛ ስላልሆነች ልጁን ላለመውለድ ትወስናለች በዚህ ባለቤቷ በጣም ይናደዳል ፅጌም ስራ ወጥቶ መስራት ብትፈልግም ማድረግ ባለመቻሏ በድጋሚ ከልጇ አባት ጋር ለመለያየት ትወስናለች ምን ይፈጠር ይሆን ተከታተሉ!

Join us on a captivating journey as we delve into the inspiring story of a remarkable woman who fearlessly navigates through life's ups and downs, ultimately finding her true path to happiness. In the first part of our program, she courageously makes difficult choices that shape the course of her life.

Intriguingly, she takes the bold step of breaking up with the father of her children, seeking a fresh start and newfound independence. Determined to follow her passion for hairstyling, she fearlessly opens her own hair salon, embracing the challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship.

However, life takes an unexpected turn when she realizes her marriage isn't fulfilling her innermost desires for happiness. In a moment of self-reflection, she makes a difficult decision not to bring another child into the world, as she believes it is not the right path for her at that time. This choice sparks intense emotions within her husband, leading to a tumultuous period of introspection and growth for both individuals.

As the story unfolds, witness her unwavering determination to pursue her dreams and find fulfillment outside the confines of societal expectations. Against all odds, she boldly takes the leap to reestablish her independence, empowering herself to venture into the workforce while embracing the challenges of singlehood.

This captivating tale is a lesson in resilience, self-discovery, and the pursuit of personal happiness. Join us as we explore the triumphs, setbacks, and ultimate triumphs of this extraordinary woman, offering valuable insights and inspiration for viewers seeking to forge their own paths of self-fulfillment.

Subscribe to our channel to stay updated on this incredible journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Don't miss out on the life lessons and inspiring moments that await!
#Dagne_walle #ethiopianmusic #ethiopia #ወንድ ልጅ ቆረጠ #teddyafro ዳኜ ዋለ, ዳኜ ዋለ አዲስ ሙዚቃ, ዳኜ ዋለ ወንድ ልጅ ቆረጠ, ዳኜ ዋለ አዲስ ሙዚቃ 2024


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