How to cook chicken curry || Kip curry || Indonesische kip curry || Ayam kari ala saya || VK24

Описание к видео How to cook chicken curry || Kip curry || Indonesische kip curry || Ayam kari ala saya || VK24

Chicken curry, there's so many way to cook chicken curry in Indonesia, because everybody have them own style and taste and this is my chicken curry. I hope you like it.

Hi all...
Welcome back to my channel and thank you for watching my video and supporting me.
A lot of questions about "curry sauce" because they didn't found any curry yet on my video. Well, let me tell you something. We not eat with curry sauce every time :) :) Indonesia is so rich with all the spices and we have a lot of different foods combination.
But, this time i will make curry :)
Just check it out and try to cook it by yourself, few of my friends tried my curry and they like it so maybe you will like it too ;)
Btw i missed my curry leaves on my recipe because i don't have it here (sorry i still try to stay at home all the time to avoid the virus). But it's ok, we will skip that.
Let's cook with me!

~In English~
Chicken curry
Ingredients :
4 chicken drumsticks and 1 chicken fillet (the fillet is for my husband but in general u can use any part of chicken for this curry)
4 eggs
250 ml coconut milk
Approx. 3 cm galangal
Approx. 2 cm turmeric or curcuma
Approx. 2 cm ginger
3 shallots (approx. 100 gram)
5 garlic cloves
6 pieces candlenuts or kemiri nuts (roasted)
2 lemongrass
1 star anise
3 salam leaves or Indonesian bay leaves (you can use bay leaf)
2 lime leaves or kaffir lime leaves
1 teaspoon tamarind pasta
1/2 teaspoon palm sugar
1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
Salt (to bring out the flavor on the food, depending on your taste)
Chicken stock (optional)
Fried onion (for finishing)


~In Nederlands~
Indonesische kip curry
Ingredienten :
4 kippenboutjes en 1 kipfilet (de kipfilet is voor mijn man, maar je kan ook elk deel van kip gebruiken)
4 eieren
250 ml kokosmelk
Ongeveer 3 cm galangal
Ongeveer 2 cm kurkuma
Ongeveer 2 cm gember
3 sjalotten (ongeveer 100 gram)
5 teentjes knoflook
6 stuks kemirinoten (geroosterd)
2 citroengras
1 steranijs
3 salamblaadjes or Indonesische laurier blaadje (je mag ook laurierblaadje gebruiken)
2 limoenblaadjes
1 theelepel tamarindpaste
1/2 theelepel palm suiker
1/2 theelepel komijnpoeder
Kip bouillon (optioneel)
Gefrituurde uien (voor afwerking)


~Bahasa Indonesia~
Ayam kari
Bahan-bahan :
4 paha ayam dan 1 ayam tanpa tulang (pada umumnya kalian bisa menggunakan bagian apa saja dari ayam)
4 telur
250 ml santan kental
Kira-kira 3 cm lengkuas atau laos
Kira-kira 2 cm kunyit
Kira-kira 2 cm jahe
3 shallots (atau bawang merah sekitar 100gram)
5 siung bawang putih
6 buah kemiri (sangrai)
2 sereh
1 bunga lawang
3 lembar daun salam
2 lembar daun jeruk
1 sendok teh larutan asam jawa
1/2 sendok teh gula palm (atau gula jawa tapi bisa juga mengunakan gula pasir biasa)
1/2 sendok teh jinten buubuk
Salt (sesuai selera)
Kaldu ayam (bisa di skip, saya tidak pakai)
Bawang merah goreng (untuk taburan)
Setiap orang memiliki selera dari ayam kari masing-masing, terkadang saya menggunakan daun kari dan kapulaga tapi suami tidak menyukai aroma dari kapulaga jadi selalu saya skip. Untuk daun karinya sendiri, karena saat ini sedang dalam masa lock down jadi saya tidak keluar rumah dan daun kari itu agak susah didapat disini. Terkadang daun kari kering bisa saya dapatkan di supermarket dan toko asia tapi tidak selalu tersedia setiap saat.
Selamat mencoba

#chickencurry #kipcurry #ayamkari


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