Daily Yoga for 7 Chakra Balance | 40 mins Holistic Asana & Pranayama Practice to Balance all Chakra

Описание к видео Daily Yoga for 7 Chakra Balance | 40 mins Holistic Asana & Pranayama Practice to Balance all Chakra

Hi Everyone!
Today we will be doing a holistic yoga practice to balance the 7 main chakras in our body - we will start with a quick warmup and then move onto asana and pranayama practice. This is also a great daily yoga routine. Hope you enjoy it!

Root or Muladhara Chakra
Root chakra is located at the base of our spine. Associated with red color, balanced root chakra helps in grounding us and instill a sense of stability, safety, and trust in oneself and others.
Asanas : Chakki chalanasan, Malasana, Butterfly pose , Tadasana

Sacral or Svadhishthana Chakra
Svadishtansa Chakra is the second primary chakra situated in the lower abdomen and is responsible for circulation around bladder, kidneys, and reproductive organs. A balanced Sacral Chakra helps in maintaining emotional balance, improving creativity and passion.
Asanas : Ashwa Sanchalanasan, Ardha Hanumanasana, Ardha chandrasana, Lizard Pose, Butterfly pose

Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra
The Manipura Chakra is located between the diaphragm and the navel and is associated with yellow color and element fire. A balanced Manipura chakra helps with you feel confident, self-motivated, and have a sense of purpose.
Asanas : Navasnaa, Purvottanaana, Pascimottana, Supine Twist, Pawanmuktasana

Heart or Anahata Chakra
Anahata chakra is situated in the center of the chest and is the seat of love, compassion, and connection. An open and balanced Anahata chakra helps in creating strong connection to oneself and others.

Asanas : Puppy Dog Pose, Ardha chandrasana, Camel Pose

Throat or Vishuddhi Chakra
Vishuddhi chakra is located at the base of the throat and governs communication, self-expression, and authenticity.
Asanas : Halasana, Sarvagangasan, Fish pose, Camel Pose

Third Eye or Ajna Chakra
The third eye chakra or the Ajna chakra is situated between the eyebrows. This chakra is liked to intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness
Asanas : Tree Pose, Downward Dog

Crown or Sahasrara Chakra
The Crown chakra or the Sahasrara chakra is located at the crown. Associated with violet color, a balanced crown charka helps in improving focus, creating a sense of oneness with the universe, and a deeper understanding of life’s purpose.

Asanas : Tree Pose, Tadasana, Prasarita Padottanasana

Pranayama for all Chakras
Nadi Shodhana and Bhramari

Beeja Mantra - AUM


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