Unity Tutorial: Convert Mouse Clicks to Hex Grid in Turn-Based Strategy Game Creation

Описание к видео Unity Tutorial: Convert Mouse Clicks to Hex Grid in Turn-Based Strategy Game Creation

Dive into the fifth installment of our 'Create a Turn-Based Strategy with Unity' series where we focus on converting mouse clicks into hex grid references. This Unity tutorial is perfect for beginners and hobbyist developers looking to make their games interactive and engaging.

We'll begin by exploring the Singleton pattern, its pros, cons, and its implementation in our MouseController script. This design pattern ensures a single instance of a class, providing a global point of access, and is crucial for controlling mouse interactions in our game.

Next, we'll delve into the Observer pattern, a powerful tool that allows scripts to communicate in a loosely coupled way. You'll learn how to use events to notify other scripts when something has happened, simplifying code communication and making your scripts operate independently.

Key topics covered in this Unity tutorial:

Understanding and implementing the Singleton pattern
Exploring the Observer pattern and event handling
Converting world positions to hexagons on a grid
Expanding the HexMetrics class for new calculations
Translating 3D coordinates to hex grid coordinates

By the end of this video, you'll have a solid understanding of how to translate mouse clicks into -individual hex references, making your game interactive. Whether you're building a turn-based strategy game or just want to learn more about Unity's capabilities, this tutorial has you covered.

Red Blob Games: redblobgames.com/grids/hexagons/

#Unity #gamedevelopment #TurnBasedStrategy #SingletonPattern #ObserverPattern

0:50 Introduction to Singleton
2:02 Our Singleton Implementation
3:15 Mouse Controller Script as a Singleton
4:41 What are Events in C#
5:45 Hex Grid Mesh Generator Subscribing to Mouse Events
7:21 Hex Metrics Update - Conversion Methods


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