Defeats Of My Favorite Animated Non Disney Movies Villains Par 10

Описание к видео Defeats Of My Favorite Animated Non Disney Movies Villains Par 10

"Our beasts help us so we can reclaim what belonged to us millions of years ago - General Eagle
"The colors of the trolls are very delicious for you majesty, that you can go wrong bad recipes do not always leave so only the one who chooses the perfect ingredients like them - Cheff Troll
"Death is coming to Brooklyn, and it's got buckteeth, and a COTTONTAIL!" - Snowball
"Fine, you won't come at me? Then guess who's comin' at you... ME!" - Douche
"Citizens of Yolkus! I, King Goobot V, give you...Sacrifice!"- King Goobot
"This is our camp, and it's being taken away! If this has to be our last week here, I'm going to use whatever it takes to make it count!" -Gloriosa Daisy/Gaia Everfree
"The Pope? Do I look like I am?! I am Gemini Saga! The man who, sixteen years ago, failed to become pope, and failed to kill you!" - Gemini Saga
"You will be immortal. You will be infinite." -The Moon King
“Listen up, men. For years, we've been forced to hunt and scavenge for our next meal. Well, no more, thanks to our new lucky charm, I have had a idea that will change our lives. We're going to Santa's Fell. And we're going to feast on his flying reindeer. And by eating our enemies, their strength will become ours. You, will be Santa's Flying Wolves.” -Black Wolf
"They thought that the forgotten avi, you are obsolete must be eliminated - Ultron


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