5 Beadalon Tools I Can't Live Without - with Sara Ellis

Описание к видео 5 Beadalon Tools I Can't Live Without - with Sara Ellis

In this video, Sara Ellis shares with us her top 5 Beadalon tools she can't live without!

Chain Nose Pliers http://www.beadalon.com/products/201A... to open and close jump rings
Round Nose Pliers http://www.beadalon.com/products/201A... to make loops
Flush Cutter http://www.beadalon.com/products/202E...
key=BC3D7A6CB8534F2DA31FB393AD2F2EA2 to cut wire
Stepped Bail Making Pliers http://www.beadalon.com/products/201A... for making 6 different sizes of loops and bails
Nylon Wire Straighteners http://www.beadalon.com/products/JTNJ... and http://www.beadalon.com/products/228S... to straighten and work harden your wire


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