Unlock the hidden POWER in your hips to RUN FASTER

Описание к видео Unlock the hidden POWER in your hips to RUN FASTER

How to improve your hip drive to run faster. In this video, I'm going to show you three running exercises you can use to improve your hip drive when running. These hip drive running drills will help you to run faster by increasing your stride length and power. When it comes to proper running technique, we often talk about running from the hips, using your powerful hip muscles such as the hip flexors, glutes and hamstrings to create better hip flexion and hip extension respectively as you increase your stride length and improve your speed.


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The running exercises shown in this video are great for helping you develop proper running technique and an efficient running stride. The hip flexor exercises are an important but often neglected part of strength training for runners. Glute strength is important for runners, but so is hip flexor strength; this is what allows you to develop a powerful knee drive as you lead forwards with the front leg of your running stride. These exercises should not cause you any hip pain, or pain elsewhere in your body. If they do - stop and see your physical therapist or sports medicine doctor.

Include these hip flexor exercises into your marathon training plan and you'll quickly feel the improvement in your stride as you start to notice a better running hip drive.

Whether you're trail running, running on a track or training for a half marathon, if you're interested in learning how to run with proper running technique and how to run faster by becoming a stronger more efficient runner, be sure to check out the other videos on my channel!


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Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com


ABOUT ME: I'm James Dunne, a runner, sports rehabilitation therapist (similar to physical therapist) and coach based in the UK (Norwich and London).

Since 2007 I've been working with athletes focusing specifically on helping distance runners and triathletes overcome injury and improve performance through developing their individual running technique.

Running biomechanics and physical therapy are real passions of mine. I started Kinetic Revolution to help runners run strong and stay injury free.

WEBSITE: https://kinetic-revolution.com

#RunningTechnique #JamesDunne #PhysicalTherapy


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