Due to a past catastrophe on Earth, humanity was forced to live amongst the stars for several centuries, resulting in the creation of the S.D. calendar and the birth of the Aria Federation, an empire whose influence extends from Earth to Saturn. In S.D. 1478, an embassy located within the empire's capital on Earth's moon was seized by terrorists, and forces deployed by Aria's Special Space Service ended in disaster as the terrorists triggered a self-detonation device, killing themselves and several civilians in the process.
The actual game begins six years after this event, with the player assuming the role of one of eight characters who will become involved in a mastermind's scheme to take control of the Aria Federation's superweapon and use it for his own purposes.
Toward the Terra, a science fiction series created by Keiko Takemiya, has played a major influence for both Senko no Ronde's story and art style.
Two players fight each other from top-down and isometric perspectives using giant robots called Rounders. The game can be described as a fighter/shmup mashup, with elements of 2D fighters mixed with modern top-down shooters. It is very similar to Psychic Force, a unique, heavily projectile-based fighting game developed at Taito while G.rev's founders worked there. Unlike Psychic Force, however, it offers even more elaborate firing patterns that conjure a danmaku shooter aesthetic. This is further reinforced by "B.O.S.S. Mode," a super attack that allows players to transform into screen-filling boss ships that can fill the screen with bullets. It may also be likened to "a 2D version of Virtual On" mixed with shmup boss encounters and modern danmaku patterns. Due to its close ties with Virtual On's mechanics, several of its strategies can also be applied to this game as well.
Each character in Senko no Ronde boasts unique weapons, bullet patterns, and game play styles, each have two variations called Cartridge A and Cartridge B which have slightly modified stats and weapon properties. All characters have a main weapon and sub weapon, as well as 3-4 special attacks called "Barrages", which are activated via command inputs similar to 2D fighters. When matches start players are given two "B.O.S.S. Stock" which lets a player switch to a larger robot called "B.O.S.S. Mode", which is comparable to a boss ship in standard shmups. In Boss Mode a player has increased firepower and will regain a portion of health, but movement is more restricted, only one boss form can be activated at a time. Upon losing a match you will regain one Boss Stock. If your character's health bar is depleted they will enter a special state called "Vanish Mode" which reduces the size of the characters hitbox, but if one more shot connects you will lose the round. Using a Boss Stock well in Vanish Mode will result in using a more powerful Boss Mode, called "Final Boss" Mode, which has benefits such as additional firepower or more mobility. Final Boss mode also has access to an extra powerful super attack.
This version of the game includes he boss character Ernula is playable from the start, custom dash controls, extra time if the game is tied, and both players can use the same character and type.
Two additional buttons have been added to the default arcade layout- one is for Overdrive, and the other is for Barrage attacks.
Novice mode to help beginners.
A new HUD.
New costumes for each character if the player selects their A Cartridge which were temporarily exclusive to this version.
Like its Xbox 360 counterpart, players can choose the stage they wish to fight in and what stage-specific song they want to use after their characters have been selected.
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