The Showy Orchid: a theatrical woodland display

Описание к видео The Showy Orchid: a theatrical woodland display

While hiking through the woods, we discovered a beautiful bunch of Showy Orchids! We wanted to share them with you and give some information about them. They are a common native and relatively easy to find in woodlands with a lime base soil. These orchids have a symbiotic relationship with mychorrizal fungi that provide them with their much needed nutrients. These natives are highly sensitive to fertilizers and fungicides and, if plucked from their home environment are unlikely to survive. The blooms range from pink to purple with a white lip and they are pollinated by bumblebees. Showy orchids are deciduous and overwinter as a tuber. When they cast their seeds, which have no food reserves, it is critically important that they fall into soil filled with the mycorrhizae fungi on which they depend. If you happen upon these beauties, you can rest assured that their habitat is a safe and healthy one.

Joyce Browning Horticulturist, Master Gardener Coordinator
Video credit: Bethany Evans Longwood Gardens Professional Gardener Program Alumni; CPH

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