DW4 - Everybody Rescues Liu Chan

Описание к видео DW4 - Everybody Rescues Liu Chan

In which Liu Bei refuses to go pick up his kid, so literally everyone else has to take shifts going to get him. The custody battle is still ongoing.

For the most part, characters all have the same reaction along the lines of "okay, I take child" so not a lot are different. Is it just me, or does SSX sound like she's only half-interested? I wonder if that was intentional or if the VA just wasn't feeling it here. Yuan Shao reacts like he's just gotten stuck with babysitting duty lol. Dong Zhuo specifies he's doing it for the GIRL rather than the child.

I kept in my struggles with getting Sun Ce to trigger this damn cutscene. You see, to trigger this scene, you have to break the box holding Liu Chan on horseback. But Sun Ce's tonfas don't have enough reach to break the box, even with the Wind Scroll. I had a friend test with the Wind Scroll and his LV10/11 weapon and that didn't increase his range enough to do it either. His horse charge attacks are a bunch of kicks but their range isn't affected by Wind Scroll (I assume Wind Scroll only affects WEAPON range, and since that attack uses Sun Ce's legs, it has its own unique hit box). So then I tried opening the box with an elephant, but that didn't trigger the cutscene. So finally, I used two players, had both of them on Shadow Runner so they couldn't get knocked off, ran to Liu Chan, then had Player 2 open the box, and THAT finally triggered the cutscene. So much friggin' effort just to hear Sun Ce go "Alright. I got him." But at least it's a super rare scene because you sure as hell aren't triggering that naturally.

And as you might expect, Liu Bei doesn't have a cutscene for this, or any of the other Chang Ban events for that matter. I did show him breaking the box at the end though, just to prove.


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