Vivek Jayaraman : An all-natural deep recurrent neural network architecture for flexible naviga...

Описание к видео Vivek Jayaraman : An all-natural deep recurrent neural network architecture for flexible naviga...

Vivek Jayaraman - Janelia Research Campus - nan - A wide variety of animals and some artificial agents can adapt their behavior to changing cues, contexts, and goals. But what neural network architectures support such behavioral flexibility? Agents with loosely structured network architectures and random connections can be trained over millions of trials to display flexibility in specific tasks, but many animals must adapt and learn with much less experience just to survive. Further, it has been challenging to understand how the structure of trained deep neural networks relates to their functional properties, an important objective for neuroscience. In my talk, I will use a combination of behavioral, physiological and connectomic evidence from the fly to make the case that the built-in modularity and structure of its networks incorporate key aspects of the animal’s ecological niche, enabling rapid flexibility by constraining learning to operate on a restricted parameter set. It is not unlikely that this is also a feature of many biological neural networks across other animals, large and small, and with and without vertebrae.


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