VEDUN - Zvočna preja zimskega solsticija / Sonic Yarn of Winter Solstice

Описание к видео VEDUN - Zvočna preja zimskega solsticija / Sonic Yarn of Winter Solstice

Kanalizirani zdravilni zvok zvočni mediji in terapevti spuščajo skozse ob misli na novo sonce. Slovenska ljudska pesem »Sijaj, sijaj sonce« je biser med starosvetnimi pesmimi in naproša, da se popravi pot vsem ljudem na Zemlji. Zvočno prejo zaključuje sibirska šamanska pesem ob ritmih hakasijsko-tuvanskih bobnov imenovanih dungur.

Utrinek s koncerta ob zimskem sončnem obratu v galeriji Equrna, Ljubljana, 2009

The healing channelled sound flows through the therapists with the thought of the newborn sun. The Slovenian folk song »Shine the Sun, Shine« is a jewel in the ancient folk-song lore and features a supplication for the path to mend for everyone on this Earth.The sonic yarn is completed by the Sibirian shamanic song, accompanied by the rhythm of Khakassian-Tuvan drums, known as dungurs.

Highlight from the winter solstice concert at the Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana, 2009


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