How to Use Reply Bots to Setup Automations in Flaxxa Wapi

Описание к видео How to Use Reply Bots to Setup Automations in Flaxxa Wapi

Reply bots in Flaxxa Wapi are designed to automate responses to customer messages, helping businesses streamline communication and improve efficiency. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use reply bots to set up automations in Flaxxa Wapi.

Step 1: Access the Reply Bot Section
Log into your Flaxxa Wapi account.
Navigate to the “Automations” section from the dashboard.
Select “Reply Bots” from the dropdown menu to start creating your automated responses.
Step 2: Create a New Reply Bot
Click on “Create New Reply Bot”.
Enter a name for the bot (e.g., Order Confirmation Bot, Customer Support Bot).
Set the trigger conditions for the bot. You can choose from various triggers such as:
Specific keywords (e.g., “order status,” “support”).
Time-based triggers (e.g., after 5 minutes of inactivity).
Message type (e.g., image, text, or document).
Step 3: Define the Automated Responses
Create your bot's automated reply message. You can include:
Text-based replies: Standard or personalized messages based on user data.
Images, PDFs, or links: For providing detailed information, guides, or catalogs.
Call-to-action buttons: To redirect users to external pages, initiate another flow, or provide quick replies.
Use dynamic fields (such as customer names) for personalization.
Step 4: Build Multi-Step Flows
If you want the bot to handle more complex conversations, create multi-step flows:
Add follow-up questions or messages after the initial reply.
Use conditional logic to branch the conversation based on user responses.
Integrate existing flows like Account Signup Flow or Collect Feedback Flow.
For example, if the customer asks about product prices, the bot can ask, “Which product are you interested in?” and provide options.
Step 5: Test and Preview the Reply Bot
Once you’ve built your reply bot, use the preview function to see how it interacts with users.
Make necessary adjustments by testing various scenarios (e.g., different keywords or flow branches).
Step 6: Activate the Reply Bot
After testing, set the reply bot live.
You can monitor and manage all active bots from the Reply Bots Dashboard.
Step 7: Track and Optimize Performance
Monitor the bot's performance through the analytics dashboard to see engagement rates, response accuracy, and completion rates for multi-step flows.
Use this data to tweak replies, adjust triggers, or improve flow logic for better automation.
Use Cases for Reply Bots
Order Confirmation: Automate responses when a customer completes an order.
Customer Support: Provide instant replies for common questions like shipping status or product inquiries.
Feedback Collection: Use bots to ask for feedback after a purchase or service.
Lead Generation: Guide new customers through product discovery by automating replies to inquiries.


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