Luciferase Reporter Assay | Reporter Gene Assay |

Описание к видео Luciferase Reporter Assay | Reporter Gene Assay |

Luciferases are a class of oxidative enzymes that occur in several species

The enzyme enables the organisms that posess it to “bioluminesce,” or we can say it makes them to emit light.

One of the most famous of these enzymes is the firefly luciferase.

Fireflies have the ability to emit light through a chemical reaction in which luciferin is converted to oxyluciferin with the help of luciferase enzyme.

Now the reaction catalyzed by luciferase is highly energetically efficient, that means all the energy supplied into the reaction is rapidly converted to light.

Becuase of this, the enzyme is extremely sensitive, which makes it a great candidate for a reporter assay!

Now lets know What is a Luciferase Reporter Assay?

A luciferase reporter assay, is a kind of test , which determines whether a protein can activate... or repress the expression of the gene of interest , with the help of luciferase that is used as a reporter protein.


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