What if you don’t need more beta cells to fix type 2 diabetes

Описание к видео What if you don’t need more beta cells to fix type 2 diabetes

Maybe you don’t need better beta cells to fix type 2 diabetes

Islet transplantation studies, suggest older beta cells, are NOT irreparably broken – all they need, to get their groove back is a little TLC. Rejuvenate yours..


Here is a recap of this video

00:04 When beta cells fail
00:20 Glucose management is the plan B
00:46 New beta cells please
01:02 Maybe there is nothing wrong with your beta cells
01:43 The radical islet transplant
02:31 Beta cells were down but not out
03:07 Moving beta cells around
03:24 Beta cells safely hidden away
04:05 Inside the anterior chamber of the eye
04:27 A twist on old technology
04:52 Old islets are slow but capable
05:27 Old is a state of mind
05:47 Beta cells find their groove
06:30 Better plumbing means better beta cells
06:48 Can you help to fix the plumbing ?
07:19 Angiogenesis
07:45 Exercise demands new blood vessel formation
08:05 You can use “tricks” to create demand
06:00 Eat less processed foods
06:46 Scientific reference

Enjoy !
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Dr Sandy Evans
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