Triplex collecting system or triple renal pelvis, ultrasound imaging, overview

Описание к видео Triplex collecting system or triple renal pelvis, ultrasound imaging, overview

A triple renal pelvis (triplex collecting system) is a rare congenital variant where three distinct renal pelves are present within a single kidney, each typically leading to its own ureter. On ultrasound imaging**, this condition may appear as a complex or duplicated collecting system with multiple fluid-filled areas, representing the separate pelves. The intricate anatomy may be challenging to delineate clearly on ultrasound alone, and the condition might be mistaken for other anomalies like a duplex collecting system or cystic structures. However, detailed imaging using CT urography or MR urography is often necessary to confirm the diagnosis and visualize the three distinct pelves and ureters. This anomaly may complicate surgical procedures and is occasionally linked with urinary issues like infections or stones due to altered urinary flow. Understanding these ultrasound findings is crucial for accurate diagnosis and management.

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