When To Choose A Headless CMS

Описание к видео When To Choose A Headless CMS

Is Headless CMS always the best choice for your project when should you choose to use a headless CMS? What should you do with your old web CMS, where is decoupled and specialist SaaS CMS best deployed. I found myself asking these exact questions when a friend of mine started a new project requiring a CMS.

I have built a simple model based on my own thought process to help select the right CMS for a project. Hopefully, this can help you understand the CMS landscape and give you an initial way of selecting the type of CMS you should use before looking at an actual vendor.

Although I'm obviously a massive advocate of #HeadlessCMS having built the #Amplience platform, I also feel its more important to understand the requirements of the business to make sure you make the right choice and understand when its right to choose a Headless CMS, over a web cms, a niche SaaS CMS or even a decoupled CMS.

00:00 Introducing when to choose a Headless CMS
00:36 CMS opinionated scale
04:17 CMS landscape
05_07 CMS Recommendations


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