Ergonomic packaging, “Wohnfühlen” at home. REFLEXA-Werke, Rettenbach

Описание к видео Ergonomic packaging, “Wohnfühlen” at home. REFLEXA-Werke, Rettenbach

How relaxed packing & heavy sunscreen products fit together...

Reflexa is a second generation family business, which has developed from a small handicraft business to one of the most prominent manufacturers of sun and insect protection technology. Flexible solutions, technical perfection and the quality claim “Made in Germany” form the basis of the company, which was founded in 1961, the headquaters is located in Rettenbach in Bavaria.

“Packaging has never been so ergonomic, sustainable, and efficient.”
Wolfgang Egenberger, Head of Materials Management at Reflexa

Packsize and Reflexa have a long-standing partnership in the packaging sector. For productivity reasons (productivity in this case stands for fast and easy packaging, optimisation of processes and the saving of unnecessary packaging material), the current process was supplemented by a customised solution consisting of a Packsize cutting machine as well as Becker Sonder-Maschinenbau components. How was such a complex project implemented? Reflexa places great value on ergonomic working, especially with heavy and large products such as awnings and external venetian blinds; this approach is important and necessary. Packsize and Becker took on these challenges to deliver ergonomic and efficient work processes in the long term.

Ergonomic, sustainable, and optimised processes as well as customised packaging solutions are the success factors of this project.

The drivers of the semi-automated sunscreen packaging solution are:
Improved ergonomics, less lifting for packers
Customer satisfaction – alternative sealing technology through adhesive application and closing
Element packaging for external venetian blinds & awnings
Less packaging material, less storage
Cycle time 30 sec./box, box length up to 7.3 m


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