Capitol Peak 14er Summit - The Bold, Exposed North Ridge Direct Route! Aspen CO [4K UHD]

Описание к видео Capitol Peak 14er Summit - The Bold, Exposed North Ridge Direct Route! Aspen CO [4K UHD]

This Adventure lived up to the hype and well beyond, totally incredible beauty and excitement but, Be Warned, this mountain summit is very dangerous! There are long committing strenuous sections of highly exposed class 3 and 4 mountain climbing that could be impassable with inclement weather trapping climbers on the summit or summit ridge with no other way down, no shelter and no water.
Personally, after thoroughly enjoying the entire ascent with zero incidents, a leisurely rest on the summit ridge was abruptly and completely unexpectedly interrupted by a microwave sized boulder breaking out from under my feet and careening down the huge shear face to the lake and, that was after standing on it for over a minute while casually chatting with fellow climbers who were lunging to grab me before the BIG FALL. Thankfully my hands were free and I was able to latch on, dangling over the abyss. Definitely bad luck but. . . bad luck happens and I would not have been the first fatality of the season on that mountain. . . Understand the risks. . .
The Snowmass Wilderness is some of the most scenic in the state if not the country, exploring Capital Lake and surroundings was amazing in and of itself! A true gift! Enjoy, respect nature and be careful! Prudent planning, preparation, predawn starts, mountaineering experience, and solid fitness with acclimatization are prerequisites for your best odds at safe passage on this mountain, even then. . . it almost claimed me anyway. . .

DISCLAIMER: The Expedition(s) documented on this channel are for entertainment purposes only, NOT FOR Explicit Instruction or Route Execution. I have had MANY NEAR DEATH experiences and a couple serious accidents over 30 years of Backcountry adventures, the RISKS are very REAL. I do not recommend or encourage attempting the routes or strategies shown in these videos, and assume no personal responsibility if you choose to do a similar outing. As always, hike, bike and climb at your own risk. Know Your LIMITS and stay within them if you expect to avoid any accidents. even then. . .


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