fleabag + priest | it will pass

Описание к видео fleabag + priest | it will pass

- What if you meet someone you like?
- I talk and drink and laugh and give them Bibles, and hope they eventually leave me alone...

I just can't deal with them. This is simple video, with many many many quotes. I just wanted to put all of them here. Like I have already said - this show is so tragic. But the more and more I think about it the more I see myself in Fleabag. I also joke when life gets too real, to avoid being honest maybe? I have moments like looking into imaginary camera (this is really weird, i know, move on). So I think what describes the show and my life than I try to make it a comedy to hide the tragic parts. Sometimes I wonder, do I have friends? I have few, but really... Do I have a person I can be in 100% honest and open?

I will say it again. The thing I love the most about priest and fleabag relationship is the fact that HE SEES HER. He sees her looking at "the camera", he deeply know WHO she is. And one the one hand this is something I think we all want in live, to have this person, but also... isn't think the think we are the most scare of? To be seen for who we are? To be kind of... vunerable? Not only giving someone your heart, but your soul? God, it is damn scary. Kind of like losing control. Also the fact that he is SO DAMN HOT is not helping hahaha To be honest... his storyline is tragic as well. Lonely, probably addicted to alcohol... he tries to escape... and I am kind of angry that she pushed him. She really should leave him alone, because like he said. His life will be fucked up. But can I blame her? For wanting this so badly? For wanting to be seen? Love? I guess I can't.

But really, the writing of the show is one of the best. DETAILS. Oh lord, HOW I LOVE IT.

It is kind of funny... It seems like I have a TV character for each part of my life. It is really nice to find THE SHOW for each period. And I guess... Fleabag is THAT for me. Now.


fandom: fleabag
couple: fleabag and HOT priest
song:    • Counting Crows - Colorblind (Piano In...  
coloring: by Glamourstar0x

#fanvidfeed #fleabag #viddingisart


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