Simple Infrared 720nm, 590nm image processing with FastStone. We also sell IR converted cameras

Описание к видео Simple Infrared 720nm, 590nm image processing with FastStone. We also sell IR converted cameras

Simple Infrared 720nm, 590nm image processing editing with FastStone.
The complete guide is here:

Simple IR image processing method with FastStone Image Viewer and Gimp

No Photoshop or Lightroom needed. Works best with images from Nikon

Here is the way to process all your infrared images that collect dust for a long time.

You will need a FastStone Image Viewer which is free. Gimp will help to correct any optical distortion.

Processing a 720nm file from Nikon

Open your file in FastStone Image Viewer. I have here a 720nm image that is gray, which means that it has a White Balance set to a gray card. FastStone understands RAW images, allowing you to open them and save them as TIFFs.

Right-click on the image, go to Colors, Swap Colors, R - B.

Now hit Ctrl + E.
Increase saturation. This way it is easier to notice what color to manipulate to get white leaves. Depending on your image you may need to decrease saturation. It solely depends on how saturated the image is.

I use only Green and Blue sliders to make leaves look white. Grab one slider and move it to the side. If you think the image is getting better, release the slider. If not, return the slider to the previous position and try the other slider. This way you will not over-saturate one color.

I have software that reduces blue light on the monitor. Better is turning it off while working on these images.

As you can see it’s a bit of guesswork.

If you can’t get the leaves white, try to make the sky blue. These two things correlate because when you make the sky blue sliding those two slides the leaves or the grass turns white.

Let’s fix levels. This is the important part. Hit Ctrl + L and in the graph, there will be no big empty spaces on the right and left sides.

If there is a space on the left grab the slider and slide it to the right.

Hit Ctrl + M and adjust curves a bit to make its colors punchier. Doing this is optional and depends on how the image looks. If the image is still dull, try adjusting the curves. It is done by making that straight line similar to a stretched S letter.

Hit OK.

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