WRESTLE-1 - Satoshi Kojima ~vs~ Yasufumi Nakanoue

Описание к видео WRESTLE-1 - Satoshi Kojima ~vs~ Yasufumi Nakanoue

WRESTLE-1 singles match - 2014.3.2

In the final preliminary bout of Outbreak 2014, Yasufumi Nakanoue had requested a singles bout with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, New Japan Pro Wrestling's Satoshi Kojima... When Nakanoue was training to be a pro wrestler in the All Japan Pro Wrestling dojo, Kojima was a senior in the promotion as well as Triple Crown champion when Nakanoue debuted, but Nakanoue's first year in All Japan would also be Kojima's final year in All Japan and the two where never able to share the ring outside of a battle royal on Nakanoue's first night.

Flash forward to 2013, Yasufumi Nakanoue departed from AJPW to join WRESTLE-1, upon arrival he underwent a small makerover, stylizing himself after Kojima with a similar haircut and attire, then in November 2013 he was scheduled to face his tormenter Masayuki Kono in a singles match, but was jumped by Kono's Desperado faction, as a brawl ensued the cavalry arrived to aide Nakanoue in the form of Seiya Sanada, Masakatsu Funaki and in a shock appearance now belonging to NJPW; Satoshi Kojima!

With the numbers evened Nakanoue & friends defeated Desperado, with the finish of the match coming via Kojima giving Nakanoue the right elbow pad from his own arm, allowing Nakanoue to fully channel Kojima and obliterate Rene Dupree with a running elbow smash to secure the 3-count. Post-match Kojima & Nakanoue shared a moment together in victory as Nakanoue thanked him for the gift.

Now in 2014 Yasufumi Nakanoue is looking to repay the favour by inviting Kojima (now the NWA World Heavyweight Champion) to WRESTLE-1's biggest show for another match, but this time as opponents.

小島聡 ~VS~ 中之上靖文 - 2014年3月2日


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