One Life to Live 12/13/1989

Описание к видео One Life to Live 12/13/1989

Andy reports Megan has arrived at the studio and everything is in place for his plan. After Clint sees Roger and Viki playing house, Viki (as Barbara) says their plans changed and his wife isn’t going to be able to make it here at all today as they had planned. A bewildered Clint plays it cool and while Roger occupies Ambrose, Viki explains a little bit of the situation to Clint. He admits he’s reconsidering his plans to rebuild Buchanan City. Julia stops in to see Gabrielle and sees the dress she is making for Megan. Julia tells her she’s clearly gone crazy while her mother’s been away. Megan finds a gift in her dressing room, a pair of sparkly shoes along with an unsigned note with a decidedly Cinderella theme. She and Sarah mistake the royal references in Max’s Cinderella puzzle for clever wordplay from Raymond. Max tells Megan she can have the rest of the day off to prepare for the ball, but Megan reacts poorly. Michael visits Brenda before the Christening and shows her Steven’s present: a $100,000 deposit in the baby’s trust fund. Brenda is uncomfortable with all the money he’s put aside for Steven and reminds Michael that Larry doesn’t even know about the trust fund. When Brenda goes to tend to her son, Michael conspicuously leaves the bank statement on the coffee table.

Roger and Viki sign the adoption agreement–though Viki notes the amount of the required donation isn’t specified in the papers–and Ambrose says his goodbyes. After his departure, Viki promises Clint the explanation he deserves, but Clint wants them to get out of their disguises and put on some real clothes first. Back in her dressing room, Megan seethes, but her ranting is interrupted by a tap-dancing fairy godmother bringing her another gift. She opens the box to find an evening bag and earrings along with another cryptic note that she continues to misconstrue. Dan and Larry arrive at Brenda’s house and Larry immediately finds the bank statement. Julia raves about her time with Clint, and Gabrielle asks whether she’s falling for Clint. Julia admits she is, and that she doesn’t think his marriage to Viki will last anyways.

Brenda and Larry fight about the trust fund and Brenda admits she hasn’t fully forgiven Larry for discouraging her from looking for her baby. After their row, Brenda is upset and despite Dan’s efforts to comfort her, she suggests postponing the Christening. In the lobby of the Llanview Grande, a man dressed as a royal footman brings Megan another gift: some sexy lingerie. Andy wonders if perhaps Megan might not know the gifts are from Max. Clint is livid and refuses to believe Viki and Roger were merely “acting” like a couple in love. In the course of their argument Viki learns Clint never got her voice message. Nevertheless, Clint believes there’s little room left in Viki’s heart for him. He refuses to listen to her and says he’s going home to tell the children that they aren’t able to make their marriage work.


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