Age of Empires IV Civilization walkthrough Play as Mongols

Описание к видео Age of Empires IV Civilization walkthrough Play as Mongols

My playthrough as the Mongols

The Mongols in Age of Empires 4 are all about mobility, aggression, and adapting to the situation. Here's a breakdown of their key features:

Salient Features:

Mobility Masters: Buildings (except the sacred Ovoo) can be packed up and moved to a new location, allowing for quick base relocation and strategic adaptation.

No Housing: They don't need houses, freeing up resources and build slots for military or economic structures.

Early Cavalry: Primitive horsemen are available from the Dark Age, allowing for early raiding and harassing tactics.

Raiding Rewards: Setting enemy buildings on fire grants bonus resources, encouraging aggressive play.

Double Production: Near Ovoos, Mongols can produce units or research advanced technologies twice as fast using stone.

Yam Network: Building Outposts creates a network that increases unit movement speed, further enhancing their mobility.

The Khan: This powerful hero unit provides buffs to nearby troops with Signal Arrows.

Unique Units:

Khan: A mounted archer that gets stronger with each Age up and unlocks special Signal Arrow abilities to boost friendly units.

Mangudai: Horse archers that can fire while moving in any direction, allowing for hit-and-run tactics.

Keshik (recent balance change): Previously heavy cavalry with self-healing, they are now a lighter unit with similar attack power but less armor.

Unique Technologies:

Superior Mobility: Increases movement speed for packing and unpacking buildings.

Whistling Arrows: Enhances the Khan's Signal Arrow duration and range.

Raid Bounty: Boosts resource gain from burning enemy buildings.

Piracy: Grants bonus resources for sinking enemy ships.

These features make the Mongols a highly flexible and aggressive civilization, rewarding players who can adapt their strategies and leverage mobility to their advantage.


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