Welcome back Daisy the Poodle, Mr Yellow gets ADOPTED and love all round!

Описание к видео Welcome back Daisy the Poodle, Mr Yellow gets ADOPTED and love all round!

The mornings are getting a little colder here now. Luke heads off with Banjo to pick up all the doggies bright and early. Gus is a straight A student at the bus stop, he’s been working hard at home. Penny is straight into Luke’s breakfast before heading to her seat on the bus.

Meanwhile back at the farm, Aunty Kris has cooked up warm meals for all the dogs and we head over to the Faith and Hope to offer them a warm breakfast before a big day.

Daisy the Poodle is back at day care with a beautiful new haircut. Welcome back Daisy.

Freddie the Whippet and Maggie the Boxer make good friends over their common love for running.

Lily has her stick, Dash has her squeaky toy. Friday’s can’t start otherwise.

The small dogs were all over the big dogs at lure time today. Showing us all how it’s done was Billie the French Bulldog snatching it mid run and then Winston the Mini Dachshund finishing off right on the line.

After the lure, we let the puppies out. At the gate waiting to greet them are all our beautiful nanny dogs there to escort them safely to the big pack. Koda the Malamute, Banjo the German Shepherd with sisters Rosie and Matilda as well as dear Enzo.

Barney is loving his life, look at that beautiful Barney smile.

Maggie is loving life too, look at those joyful bouncy leaps of love.

And … drum roll 🥁… we have some very beet good news. Mr Yellow got adopted!! Woohoo! He will be enjoying a life by the beach and cafe hopping with his new family. This big calm social boy is going to love meeting lots of people and dogs living that wonderful life.

At the end of the video we see Koda and Bella being incredible big brother and sister to little Buddy. There’s been some thoughts that Koda and Bella might be interrupting Buddy’s opportunities at socialising. This is not true. They encourage all the positive ones. Honestly, we cannot think any higher of these two, what they’re actually carrying out is amazing. Koda and Bella are HIGHLY intelligent, they both have learnt through training with Luke what the expectations and rules are here at the farm. When they first arrived they needed to be guided because their play was not how we played here at the farm. But they quickly became star pupils and valued pack members. Fast forward to now, they have a little brother Buddy who loves playing with his farm mates, and like most puppies his age, wants to get involved with the dogs and play that looks the most fun. Today Maggie and Gus were running and wrestling, they’d literally just been told to settle down … and then in flies Bella and Koda intercepting Buddy at every turn. Letting him know, don’t get involved in that. Did you just hear Uncle Luke? Whilst we have no doubt they’d protect Buddy if ever need be, here at the farm where they know he’s safe, all they want for him is to be accepted as a valued pack member.


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